Dee's Old School Dungeon Delving Adventures!


Welcome to Dee’s Old School Bestiary. The entries herein are compatible with the White Box version of the worlds most popular roleplaying game. Some of these monsters you will find in other publications, however, here they are re-defined to meet my vision. Other entries you will find nowhere else.

Note: White Box makes frequent use of the d6. Accordingly, the odds of events are given as a chance in 6. Example: 2 in 6 chance of re-animation in 3 rounds. This is simply more concise than saying: on a result of 1-2 when rolling a d6.

Automatic Knight

automatic knight
Armor Class: 2 [17]
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: Weapon
Special: Shield Bash; Immune to Charm, Sleep, and Poison
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 6/250

The automatic knight is an automaton powered by an engine. The wealthy utilize these elaborate constructs as guards.

It never eats nor sleeps having none of the needs of a living organism. Unfortunately, complexity breeds failure and there is a 1 in 6 chance every round that the automatic knight will seize up.

Shield Bash: Twice per combat the automatic knight can shield bash a PC within reach (save or knocked prone). The PC will be unable to attack for one round if knocked prone.


Armor Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 1 Bite (1d6) or Claw (1d6-2)*
Special: Roar
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 4/120

Disinterested and unlikely to attack unless disturbed.
Claw: Can target 2 enemies at once.
Roar: Once per battle the bear can roar. PCs save or flee battle. If PCs are forced to flee the bear gets an attack of opportunity (+2 to-hit).


Armor Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 1 + 3
Attacks: 2 Weapon
Special: Hurl; Immune to Charm, Sleep, and Poison
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/20

The clockwork is a small mechanical man ulitized by Dwarfs to perform mundane tasks such as moving rock and guarding areas.
They have rapid attacks allowing them to strike twice in one round. The clockwork is strong and can lift heavy objects and clear most barricades.

Either in combat or out, the clockwork ceases operation in 1d6 rounds.

Hurl: Once per combat the clockwork can hurl a large object at the PCs (save or 1d6 damage). It takes one round for the clockwork to set down its weapons and pick up a large object allowing players to react.


Armor Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: Bite
Special: Fossilize
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/20

The cockatrice is a small bird that resembles a bantam rooster. Generally, the cockatrice is content to ignore you. However, they can be protective of their nests. Additionally, the color red sends them into a rage.

Fossilize: When the cockatrice lands a bite PCs save or are turned to stone for 24 hours.


Armor Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: Weapon
Special: Berserk
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/10

Dwelling in the dark and dank, the cultist devotes their life to ushering in a world of the old gods. The cultist is armed with a dagger or staff.

Sometimes the cultist will have a particularly nasty charm to use against a PC.

Berserk: Once per battle the cultist can fly into a frenzy of bloodlust. They bring forth a reckless (+2 to-hit) attack on an enemy within reach. However, their opponent gets a free simultaneous attack at +2 to-hit.


Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: Weapon
Special: Charm Person
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 3/60

The dryad is a daughter of the forest, lovely and dangerous. They have no ability to speak but can capture a person in their eyes. The Will-‘o-The-Wisp of the wood; often leading men to their demise.


Armor Class: 4 [15]
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: Weapon
Special: Miner’s Mind, Smell Gold
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/15

An industrious and squat member of the humanoid race; the dwarf makes his home in the darkest depths of the earth.

Miner’s Mind: Dwarfs have a deep understanding of all things underground. They are intimately familiar with stonework construction and easily spot traps and hidden entrances.

Smell Gold: Dwarfs are able to smell gold and they place a high value on the precious metal. Of the 650 songs that Dwarfs sing, gold is the subject of 635 of them. The remaining 15 are about beautifully bearded females.


Armor Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1-1
Attacks: Weapon
Special: Surprise
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/10

Goblins are tiny, twisted and bald humanoids who shun the light. Tribes of goblins inhabit warrens where they live a primitive existence. Often they will raid human settlements in order to obtain tools and clothing far superior to their own.

Surprise: Goblins are masters at stealth and camouflage. PCs are always surprised when encountering goblins.


Armor Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 1/2
Attacks: Weapon (1d6-2)
Special: Disengage
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/10

Kobolds always attack in groups. They prefer to attack from a distance, often utilizing cover. They will use slings to hurl stones or lob flaming bottles of oil. They will fire arrows through slits in the walls. Sometimes they spring elaborate traps.

Kobolds only fight when they have an advantage in numbers. As soon as they detect the tide of battle turning they will run away.

Because they have sensitive eyes, Kobolds are never found in the light of day.

Disengage: A Kobold is fleet of foot and understands that discretion is the better part of valor. When they flee their opponents get no attack of opportunity.


Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 2+1
Attacks: Claw or Weapon
Special: Water Dog
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 2/30

Lizardmen make their homes in dank swamps or cool cavern lakes underground. They compete with men for resources and will take victims as a food source.

Water Dog: Lizardmen know the ways of the swamp. They will always outmaneuver you in an aquatic environment.


Armor Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: Weapon (1d6+1)
Special: Charge
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 6/400

Deprived of all love, the minotaur wanders the labyrinth in endless despair. Wishing only to find the light of day but always denied. The minotaurs sorrow is its rage.

Minotaurs are never lost and will always find you wherever you hide.

Charge: Once per combat the minotaur can charge into melee from any distance and gains initiative with a +2 bonus to hit.


Armor Class: 7 [12]
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: Weapon (1d6-2)
Special: Sing-Along
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/10

Industrious, friendly, and ever the nuisance; The moppit makes a home by chewing away the insides of a large fungal growth. They love to show up at the worst time to offer terrible advice.

The moppit is often hunted by sorcerers that know how to turn them to gold.

Sing-along: The moppit can break into song at any time. PCs save or begin singing along for 2 rounds. A PC that is singing has no ability to attack. This exhibition of merriment can draw unwanted attention.


Armor Class: 3 [16]
Hit Dice: 5+1
Attacks: Touch *
Special: Tough, Paralyze
Move: 6
HDE/XP: 7/600

The wandering husk of a king denied sleep. The mummy is cursed to forever stumble through the belly of a tomb.

Touch: A PC hit by the mummy contracts a rotting disease. Wounds heal at 1/10th the normal rate and magical healing is prevented. A ‘remove curse’ spell is the only cure.

Tough: Regular weapons cannot harm the mummy. Magical weapons and fire do half damage.

Paralyze: When first seeing a mummy characters save or become paralyzed with fear. A character is freed from paralysis if they are hit or if the mummy leaves their vision.


Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 4+1
Attacks: Weapon (1d6+1)
Special: Body Slam
Move: 9
HDE/XP: 4/120

Ogres are large humanoids sometimes mistaken for trolls. The ogre is an uncouth creature with odd predilections. It prefers to live in the swamps where it can enjoy privacy.

Body Slam: Once per combat the ogre can body slam an opponent within reach (save or 1d6+2 damage and knocked prone). When a character is knocked prone they are unable to attack for one round.

Owl Bear

owl bear
Armor Class: 5 [14]
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: 2 Claw or Bite
Special: Hug
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 5/175

Lumbering through the dense forest knocking over trees that get in its way; the owl bear is ever hungry and ill-tempered. Standing 8’ tall and over 1000 pounds this bear like creature has the face of an owl.

Hug: Once per combat the owl bear can hug a victim within reach (save or 2d6 damage).

Rust Beast

rust beast
Armor Class: 2 [17]
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: Lick (0) or Ram (1d6)
Special: Rusting
Move: 24
HDE/XP: 4/60

The rust beast makes its home in the bowels of the earth; snuffling and rutting for the sustenance of ferrous metal.

The rust beast bounds about like a puppy, overjoyed at the wonderful snacks the adventurers bring it. If it is provoked to violence it will charge, ramming its massive body into a PC.

Rusting: When the beast licks armor or a weapon it immediately falls apart and the beast begins feeding. PCs with enchanted armor may save to determine if impervious.


Armor Class: 6 [13]
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: Touch (1d6)
Special: Acidic
Move: 6
HDE/XP: 2/30

Festering green gelatinous lumps that move along the stone surfaces of a dungeon.
They love to drop down on you from above (save or 1d6 damage and 2 in 6 chance armor is ruined).

Acidic: When an ooze lands a hit there is a 2 in 6 chance that the armor or shield is ruined.

Shrieker Clump

Armor Class: None
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: None
Special: Shriek
Move: 0
HDE/XP: 1/10

The shrieker is a pale foot tall mushroom that grows in clumps of 3 or 4. They have primitive eyes and mouths. The shrieker stinks like an over-ripe cantaloupe and the wary can smell them long before seeing them.

Shriek: The shrieker unleashes a high pitched scream upon sensing light 60’ away or movement 30’ away. PCs save or flee for 2 rounds with their ears covered. The scream is likely to draw unwanted attention.


Armor Class: 8 [11], 7 [12] w/ shield
Hit Dice: 1/2
Attacks: Weapon
Special: Reanimate
Move: 12
HDE/XP: 1/10

The restless bones of warriors long expired. Still their swords thirst! They do not eat. They do not sleep. They do not fear. They have no flesh to rend.

Edged weapons suffer -2 to-hit against skeletons.

Reanimate: When killed there is a 2 in 6 chance that the skeleton will come back to life in 3 rounds.