Dee's Old School Dungeon Delving Adventures!

Town Missions

When heroes go wandering around on the map they may enter a town that you do not have planned out.
Spice things up by providing them with a random mission.

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Terrible Pace Generator

Adventurers encounter terrible places.
Fill in the phrase ’The [Adjective1] [Noun1] of the [Adjective2] [Noun2]’ using the table below.

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Table of Random Starting Equipment

Are players taking too long shopping? Start them off with a random backpack of equipment.

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Life Happened

As you notice I have not posted on this blog in a while. My life was upended and I’m just now ready to start adventuring again.

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Play Report 1: Tomb of the Serpent Kings

Our first session was really amazing. Players caught on to the game quickly and dove straight into the action. A couple of small treasures were had and two baddies were bashed! Unfortunately the cleric gave it all.

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First Game With My 11 Year Old Son

This is an exciting time for me. Yesterday was my sons 11th birthday. That means it’s about time he starts playing D&D with his father.

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AI Generated Art

Seems like this day and age not a day goes by where there isn’t some new controversy. The soup du jour appears to be art created by an artificial intelligence.

At first glance it is easy to see how people would be upset by this. Imagine you were a heavily indebted art student desperate for work and now there is an AI that can perform amazing tasks in seconds for almost no money. That is your competition. Something that turns out amazing works of art and is effectively free.

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